Als we het hebben over bewust eten, bedoelen we eten zonder iets anders te doen dan ons te concentreren op ons eten. Maar mindful eten is zoveel meer, daar zullen we het over hebben + de top 5 bewuste eettips van SauerCrowd.
When we talk about mindful eating, we mean eating without doing anything other than focusing on our food. But there is so much more to mindful eating, we will talk about that + the top 5 mindful eating tips by SauerCrowd.
Stress, een woord dat de laatste jaren steeds vaker naar voren komt. Mensen om ons heen zijn soms gestrest, wij voelen stress en we krijgen stress van verschillende situaties. Maar wat is stress nou eigenlijk en hoe reageert ons lichaam hierop? We leggen het je uit.
Stress: a word that has come up more and more in recent years. People around us are sometimes (and often) stressed, we feel stress, and we get fear from different situations. But what, exactly, is stress? And how does our body react to it? We will explain you everything within our Gut-Mind Journal!
Chapter 2 of the gut-mind journal is all about Diversity within and outside us. As in the natural ecosystems around us, high diversity of the microbiome means resilience and low diversity means vulnerability to perturbations.