Our team has a passion for health, good nutrition and sustainability. We stay together with one mission: to make the world a better place and to provide everyone with organic nutritious food that is alive. As Hippocrates said: 'Let thy food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food'. We strongly believe that gut health is the base of a healthy body and mind!

Moritz - Founder
As a chef I have worked in Michelin star restaurants all over Europe, learning everything about Novel cuisine and the art of cooking & preserving. I have a degree in BA and do research on the gut-mind connection/food health. My values: sustainable food production, crowd building, health, locality, decentralization, and most importantly, a great taste within our fermented foods.
I'm passionate about the holistic view on health. I believe that it all starts and end in our gut and that not a lot of people know about this fact. I will work with SauerCrowd to make sure that there will be more awareness about gut health. Will be responsible for the mind-gut journal and the information about gut-health.
I stand behind an inspirational plant based blog called @getinspired.mag. I specialise particularly in recipe development, food styling and photography and will be responsible for all of that at SauerCrowd. As I study branding and communication, social media and content management is something that interests me too.
Lisa - Production
Cooking, preserving, and creating meals for family and friends has always been my greatest passion. In growing older I realized that the food we buy in our modern supermarkets getting less and less nutritious, rather higher processed and "fast". Preserving food with all of its nutrients and making it even more delicious with fermentation is part of my culture an family kitchen background. Being able to ferment for others and help them to improve their gut-health with our food is just so amazing to me, that is why I loving being part of the Crowd.
Anne Luz - Community & sales manager
Having graduated from the masters Environmental Geography and specialized in the challenges and impact around both urbanization and food governance I have been working in the hospitality and food startup sector helping pioneers to achieve their sustainability goals. I have been a member of Slow Food Youth Network since 2013 and coordinator of the team in Amsterdam since 2019. I share the values and mission of SauerCrowd, to create an alternative for the unsustainable food production, with tasty, healthy and local food, all while building a Crowd with whom we share our knowledge. As the community and sales manager I’ll help Moritz in making the offline community stronger though sales and events.
Franziska - Content creator
Creating videos for a company like SauerCrowd that encourage fun and positivity allowing me to inject each video with my silly sense of humour is a real dream come true. Beyond being entertaining, the brand values align so perfectly with mine and I’m so excited to help sharing its powerful message.
Sophia - Trainee
Since I was little I am interested in food and found my passion in its preparation. I studied Sustainable Food Management in my bachelor's degree and completed my master's degree in Green Marketing. I wrote my thesis about the perception of fermented vegetables and SauerCrowd is a perfect place to be in order to experience more practical relevance in the world of fermentation and in the field of gut-health food.