Hummus Plate with Golden Kraut

Hummus doesn't have to be boring! It is definitely more than a sandwich paste or a dip to eat with veggie sticks or bread! You can play with flavours, toppings and colours and get really creative! Creamy hummus, topped with black rice, homemade pickles, sprouts and a Golden Turmeric kraut is my lockdown discovery and meal that I have been recently loving, and I am sure you will enjoy it too! 



  • Hummus of your choice 
  • Black rice (ideally soaked for few hours)
  • Pickled beetroot 
  • Mung bean sprouts 
  • Roasted cashews 
  • Fresh parsley (dill fits perfectly as well) 
  • Golden Turmeric Kraut
  • Black sesame seeds
  • Salt 



  • Start with rinsing your rise and cooking it with some salt for approximately 30min (if the rice has been soaked then the cooking time is quicker).
  • Once the rice is cooked let it slightly cool and prepare other ingredients for your plating - chop fresh herbs and pickled beetroot.
  • Plate your meal starting with a decent spoon or two of hummus. Then add some black rice, pickled beetroot and mung bean sprouts. Top everything with a portion of Golden Turmeric Kraut, fresh parsley and crushed roasted cashew. Finish with a pinch of salt and black sesame seeds and enjoy! 


*Try making your hummus at home and add an extra kick of flavour to it! It tastes perfectly with a few teaspoons of kraut juice added to a blender so give it a go! 

*Mung bean sprouts is one of the easiest thing to make at home but you can go for any other sprouts you have at home.