Creamy Savoury Oats with Kimchi Kraut

Savoury oats for chilly mornings, why not? It is is a great alternative to classic porridge which is usually sweetened or served with nut butter, fruit, granola and maple! This delicious savoury miso porridge with a Kimchi Kraut kick is a perfect meal to nourish your body, mind and soul! Full of gut supporting bacteria, colours and crunch it’s a truly wholesome meal, that will make you feel satisfied till lunch!
- Toss your oats in a hot pot, slowly add water and bring it to boil. Remove the heat to low, add a pinch of salt and cracked black pepper and cook it for a few minutes, stirring through regularly - best with the wooden spoon.
- Meantime rinse and chop your cavalo nero (preferably removing bottom stems) and using a peeler create courgette ribbons.Place all in one bowl add olive oil, black sesame and salt and massage.
- Once your oats are cooked, smooth and soft turn the stove off and add miso with a pinch of sumac and some vinegar.
- Serve your porridge in a bowl, topped with massaged greens and kimchi kraut. We recommend giving it an extra crunch by topping it with seeds or nuts of your choice - preferably roasted!
Click here to buy our Kimchi Kraut (unpasteurised)